The Founding

The NARA Amateur Radio Association, formerly known as the Neos Amateur Radio Association, was founded by Rucio [K0RYX] and FoxBox [KF7MYJ] in 2021 on the metaverse platform Neos VR. Rucio and FoxBox became friends on the platform after building many worlds and games together. A random conversation one night led them to discover that they were both licensed amateur radio operators. Over time, they found more metaverse users that were also hams, which prompted the idea of starting an Amateur Radio Club. On the 13th of November, 2021 the club had its first Official meeting and approved its bylaws, founding the Neos Amateur Radio Association (NARA).

Club Goals

The goal of the club is to further the hobby of amateur radio by educating and demonstrating its use using AR, VR, and XR technologies. Using the power of the metaverse platform Resonite, we are able to demonstrate the use of HF voice communications and FT8, with more modes and operations planed for the future.

Move to Resonite

With the launch of the new VR platform Resonite, NARA Amateur Radio Association will soon be migrating to that platform. The club name will stay the same for now, but we recommend you join our Discord for the latest club news!